Please support our animal protection work and sign this petition.
The goal of this petition is to stop the uncontrolled breeding of the cat population in Bayreuth and the surrounding areas.
Year after year, the uncontrolled breeding of feral and abandoned cats brings animal welfare organizations to the brink of collapse. The mostly volunteer-run organizations have neither the personnel nor the financial capacities to deal with this issue in the long term.
Feral cats can breed up to three times a year, with many of their offspring ending up malnourished, sick and injured, living in complete misery.
In Germany, each state has the right to legislate the protection and welfare of the animals living in its boundaries, and each state has transferred this obligation to the municipalities. The municipality of Bayreuth has not yet made it a legal obligation for pet owners to chip and neuter their animals, contributing to the suffering of many abandoned and feral cats.
It has to become a legal obligation for cat owners, who let their cats roam free, to chip and neuter their animals.